Who wants to go tubing?

Levi, future striper guide

Jaiden, workin' on catching dinner

Alie, one of our favorite campers.

Bet I catch a big one with my new lure.

1001, 1003, 1007... said I could stay down here
for 30 seconds... 1012, 1018....

Jordyn, remodeling Sand Island beach

Sophia loves to swim in Norfork Lake.

Rebecca performing on the boat,
singing some Shania Twain

Julius after a first boat ride on Norfork Lake.

They're going tubing

Brianna, a happy camper

Miranda, learning to jump in.

Testing the water at the Hand Cove swim area

Burkley and Ethan, stalkin' shoreline critters

The boys are back in town.
Levi, Ethan, and Burkley

Sure glad I remembered Mom's floating device.

Time for a game of catch

Julius, having a good time

Hangin out at the bluff

Scaling the bluffs

Madisyn's hiding out in the underwater cave.

Mason, ready to go boating

Gonna see what's up at the dock

Searchin for bait

Got herself a crawdad

Sydney, putting that crawdad to good use

They love the rope swing.

And there she goes... SPLASH

Melody and Madisyn, you can tell by the feet

Experiencing Norfork Lake
for the first time... but not the last.

Fishin Fun

Kyla hasn't decided what she's gonna do next,
tubing or snorkling.

Coming to get night crawlers cause
they're going fishing!

Snack Time

Camp kids at the fire pit

Orion, the marshmallow kid

Miranda had a great day!

A teenage social

Having any fun yet?