Our boat dock is a short walk
from your cabin or camp site.

Our dock swim deck

The shaded dock lounge or picnic area

Boat stalls, the home for your boat

Some of the new dock stalls,
larger for pontoons and yachts

Our concrete launch ramp

Our dock is well protected within Hand Cove.

That's Tom prepping chow for tonight

Some of our guests enjoying the dock lounge area

The swimdeck is a hot spot.

Now that's a big pile of fun!

Hidin' from the sun, but not the kids

With swimdeck and covered lounge area, groups enjoy the day together, with or without sun.

Ready to go on a boat ride?

Nah, she's not likin' this at all.

Perfect spot to watch

Floatin' around

Thank goodness she remembered
Mom's floating device.

You go, I go

Cody and Barefoot

Long jump!

Back dive

Just hangin' out

Camp kids learning how

The perfect end to another perfect day