It REALLY doesn't get any better than this.

Over 500 miles of pristine shoreline.

A new baby paid us a visit this spring.
He's just learning to walk.

Sand Island, literally an island of white sand. That’s the entrance to our cove in the distance.

One of our favorite guests, Toby,
taking a swim at Sand Island.

Julius is having his first Norfork Lake adventure,
one of many more to come!

This sign really says "your vacation has started".
That's Norfork Lake just behind our sign.

How about an early morning stroll? There's over 10 acres to wander just outside of your cabin.

Part of the HCR Yacht Club fleet.
A beautiful day and these guys are still in bed.

Some of our guests heading for a day at the beach.
Don't forget your sun block!

The lake is a little rough in this photo.
Bet you'd like to ski or wakeboard it right now!

Fired up to float the Norfork River

That's Orion, taking flight off one of the numerous
Norfork Lake bluffs.

What's more fun than a game of lake volleyball.
Want to play?

So when the boat takes off, what happens??

Sand Island - The Place to be in summer!
That's Stax looking for treats, again.

Fly like an eagle.
This may be the best view on Norfork Lake.

Look out below!

Happiness is... a wakeboard and Norfork Lake.

Next, I'll do my triple flip back summersault.

Loads of fun in the sun.

Anything you can do, I can do better!

If you think you're too old for this stuff, think again.
He's 78 and still looks like a pro!

Sportin' the hat.

Our dock - the home for your boat

Some of our guests relaxing at our dock lounge

This is Cody and his friend Barefoot
goofin' from our swim deck.

Exploring the bluffs close to Hand Cove Resort

Norfork Lake majesty. It's breathtaking.

An exceptional sunset.
Let's roast some marshmallows.

Nope, they're not a flash mob, just shopping.

This is Sam with his 18 pound striped bass.
It's a big 'un, isn't it!

This is Sam's dad Tim and his 20 pound beauty.

Mmm. What's for dinner?
Looks like this eagle has duck on the menu.

Rain showers are short on Norfork Lake,
but rainbows are common.

A Hand Cove Resort Easter Egg.